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Instant Alert Troubleshooting: Google Devices

Detailed troubleshooting instructions for various Android Versions of Google devices.

Written by Kim Pamela Co
Updated over a week ago

Our In-Store Merchant App sends instant alerts that should both be seen on your device screen and have a ringing sound.

If new orders come in and you don't see this instant alert, this is usually because it's being blocked by a certain setting. Here are the settings to check on:

1. Enable the In-Store Merchant App Notification Settings.

  • On your device's In-Store Merchant App, tap on the menu icon found on the upper lefthand corner of the screen.

  • Tap on Settings.

  • Turn on the Notification setting to receive full-page alerts.

  • If your Draw Over Apps setting hasn't been enabled yet, you will receive a pop-up prompt to do so, leading you to your device's App Settings. Tap on the App Settings button and enable the In-Store Merchant App to draw over other apps.

ℹ️ Don't know your Andorid Verison? Read our article on Finding Your Device's OS Version.

Not using a Google device? Check our articles for other brands:

Instructions for

Android Versions 10 & 11

2. Enable Notifications for the In-Store Merchant App through your device's App Settings.

  • Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps.

  • Select the In-Store Merchant App from your list of applications.

  • Tap on Notifications.

  • Enable the In-Store Merchant App to Show Notifications by tapping on the toggle.

3. Enable Draw Over Apps or App to Appear On Top through your device's App Settings.

  • Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps.

  • Select the In-Store Merchant App from your list of applications.

  • Within App Info, scroll down to the Advanced section.

  • Tap on Display Over Other Apps.

  • Enable the In-Store Merchant App to Draw Over Other Apps by tapping on the toggle.

Other things you can do to troubleshoot the instant alert:

1. Turn off the Background Restriction function, which causes idle apps in the background to go to sleep.

  • Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps.

  • Select the In-Store Merchant App from your list of applications.

  • Within App Info, scroll down to the Advanced section and tap it.

  • Go to Battery > Background Restriction.

  • Remove the background restriction.

2. Turn off the Battery Optimization function, which causes idle apps in the background to go to sleep.

  • Go to Settings > Apps & Notifications > See All Apps.

  • Select the In-Store Merchant App from your list of applications.

  • Within App Info, scroll down to the Advanced section and tap it.

  • Go to Battery > Battery Optimization.

  • Tap the drop down to see All Apps.

  • Select the In-Store Merchant App from your list of applications.

  • Select the Don't Optimize option, then tap Done.

3. Turn off Battery Saver and Adaptive Battery. This will help your phone keep idle apps like In-Store Merchant App active.

  • Go to Settings > Battery.

  • Turn off both Battery Saver and Adaptive Battery options.

4. Try to set your display to Always On (never sleeps, goes idle, or shuts off), and leave the In-Store Merchant App open as much as possible, to prevent your operating system from shutting off apps automatically.

  • Swipe down from the top of your device's display to see your notification bar, and swipe down again to see all your quick settings.

  • Swipe to find the Always On Display option.

  • Enable the Always On Display option.

Not using a Google device? Check our articles for other brands:

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